Love this. I actually started playing around with TikTok for fun in the last weeks and have so many thoughts about it!

Great tips, I always say as well do not put "all balls in one basket". A few years ago I saw quite a few brands disappear due to social media changes -- if you are relying too much, you are out. Yet I also love the diversity, and seeing how your brand (or you) can show a different side in each platform. Like that good old meme of "me in different social channels" haha

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Love this perspective Auste. Yeah that meme hits for a reason! As long as you’re clear on what you want to get from creating content for any space whether that’s pure enjoyment, connecting with new people, building deeper connections etc etc and it’s working then amazing. I just see more and more businesses operating from a space of “we NEED to be on every channel or we’ll die” and that’s just not the case. Would love to chat about your thoughts on TikTok soon 😁

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Yeah, FOMO is reel! I am soon(ish) in London, let's chat soon, would be nice to meet f2f! <3

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💯💯💯 yes plz x

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Aug 21Liked by Matilda Lucy

I posted this same question but for marketing games! Almost all of the advice you said apply to marketing games too 🎮🙌

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This is a great post, totally bookmarking to share. I took my art and business off of social media in January and haven’t gone back. Building a newsletter list, cultivating real life connections, and maintaining quality relationships over the last 10 years in business are what I’m leaning on for support and while I’m not as visible to as many new people or getting flooded with validation and happy dopamine regularly it’s staying steady and my mental health and creativity have truly improved which is most important :)

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Absolutely love this! Thanks for sharing :)

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Great article. When you say your website though do you mean blog? Or just static website?

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Could be either - depends on the type of business and your audience. Generally website optimisations are going to play a part in converting warmer audiences and blog content catches colder / newer audiences

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very interesting take. Building demand without social media is tough but it's crucially important to have a balance. Like for everything in life.

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Yeah spot on it’s driving demand that social media tends to do quickest

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Yes. It absolutely is 100% possible to meet people and grow your business without social media.

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Thanks for this post. I’m doing all I can to not open an Instagram profile for my newsletter since I don’t want the lifestyle that would force me into. I’ve made this promise to myself to see what I can achieve without Instagram by the end of 2025. Wish me luck 🤞🏻 As you say, it’s possible but slower. At least for me it takes time to identify the communities where I can be present. But then again, growing an Instagram profile from zero is also a 1-2 year project. So I don’t think visibility in any form is easy in this world of content overload…

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Nice! Like you say I don’t even think creating an IG is the “easiest” or quickest way to build awareness or visibility anymore so makes sense to focus your efforts in places that feel good! Good luck! Have just subscribed to your newsletter :)

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Thanks Matilda for the response and for subscribing 🙏🏻☺️

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Aug 9Liked by Matilda Lucy

I wrote a PhD on social media and also came to the conclusion that it wasn't the way forward for promoting my work. Between 2022 and 2024, I wrote a newsletter on marketing without social media and made a course for making an off-socials marketing plan. I recently moved both to Substack: https://byesocialmedia.substack.com.

In general, I see the challenge not only with social media but algorithmic marketing in general. It wrests control away from individuals and into the hand of these big companies. It's gambling disguised as marketing - what a ruse!

That being said, I've started experimenting with Pinterest for a project. That one appears to be the least toxic of all the platforms and I perceive there to be quite a bit of transparency on how the algorithm works. It's also way less addictive than some of the others.

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I stopped using most social media, especially the big names. And you know what? I have not seen any difference.

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Love to hear it 😎 how dyou promote yourself / find new biz?

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Well I either suck st promote myself or people dont simply care. But I do upload videos on Youtube so trying to reach the people there. Not easy.

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Yes, good set of questions. When I still wore the hat of CMO(chief marketing officer since folks still ask - what is that) clients often do not even ask themselves these questions.

Also asking refresh questions periodically.

Am I still on target for ___?

What has changed for me this quarter?

How does that add or detract from my goals?

What has changed for clients this quarter?

Where do we need to make adjustments for those changes?

Love having found another question asker!

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Love this Michele! They're great questions to regularly ask of any business. Where has question asking led you in your post-CMO life?

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Good question, chuckle. It didn’t lead me anywhere too different than I’ve been doing all these years as an entrepreneur. It just wasn’t my main focus before. I focus on communication strategies with business leaders so that they are developing their emotional cadence and building genuine trust.

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Jul 31Liked by Matilda Lucy

the best read (and example) on this topic was David: https://davidhorvath.substack.com?r=2cys&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile --but he might have deleted everything (which doesn't really surprise me considering the evolution of this platform...)

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Thanks for sharing!

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Looks like it’s been deleted…

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Love this perspective Auste. Yeah that meme hits for a reason! As long as you’re clear on what you want to get from creating content for any space whether that’s pure enjoyment, connecting with new people, building deeper connections etc etc and it’s working then amazing. I just see more and more businesses operating from a space of “we NEED to be on every channel or we’ll die” and that’s just not the case. Would love to chat about your thoughts on TikTok soon 😁

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I feel like I should update my IG to align with the personal/creative brand I want for myself... And I think it's useful to have an account as a calling card and mini portfolio preview. But at the same time being on IG gives me zero pleasure and I'm all about doing things that make me feel good. I have thought about doing a big batch update and not worrying about engagement and stuff since i just like to see things all in one place. But that always falls to the bottom of my to do list. Curious to hear what you would suggest!

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I feel you! What kind of work do you do / do you want to be know for?

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Ooh great question 😂😂 Haha I think that's been a large part of my problem - not really knowing. I always have some kind of creative project going on and have worked across theater, writing and marketing, sewing, art class teaching, jewelry design, etc etc. But more recently I've discovered that there's a door to creativity coaching and creative workshops that's waiting for me to step in. So that's in progress! I think I'd love people to find me and think, yeah I would believe what this person has to say about living a creative life!

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That’s so interesting! In that case you could pick whichever channel you love creating for the most and document the journey as you’re starting out on a new path. We all love to see the work in progress bits :)

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Aug 11Liked by Matilda Lucy

Good point! I wouldn't have considered that. So much on social media seems "done" and perfect but you're right, the journey is more interesting isn't it!

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